
My Struggle Adjusting to Life with Multiple Sclerosis

My Struggle Adjusting to Life with Multiple Sclerosis

The Diagnosis and Its Ripple Effects The day my doctor confirmed I had multiple sclerosis (MS), my world tilted. It wasn't just a diagnosis; it became a defining moment that reshaped my understanding of health, capability, and the future. Multiple sclerosis, with its unpredictable nature, introduced a spectrum of symptoms that would become my new norm—numbness that crept over my limbs without warning, fatigue that washed over me like a relentless wave, and a mobility that varied drastically, necessitating the use of a wheelchair on most days. Mornings now start with a quiet, internal conversation about what my body can…
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More Than a Number: Aging in a Youth-Obsessed Society

More Than a Number: Aging in a Youth-Obsessed Society

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 50s, it’s that our society is infatuated with youth to an almost ridiculous degree. This isn’t about the inevitable march of time or the natural process of aging; it’s about the real, often harsh realities we face in a culture that doesn’t just celebrate youth—it idolizes it at the expense of everything else. The Brutal Job Market Let’s talk about the job market, a battlefield for anyone over the age of 40, let alone 60. After a restructuring at the school where I dedicated over 30 years of my life, I found…
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