
I’m a Black Woman Who Overcame $100k in Debt

I’m a Black Woman Who Overcame $100k in Debt

It’s one of those that you might nod along to, knowing the pain, the hustle, and the eventual light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. I’ve walked through a financial storm, carrying a burden of $100,000 in credit card debt, and emerged on the other side. This is my reflection, my truth, spoken from the heart of a black woman who’s seen a bit of everything. The Path to Debt: It Wasn’t Just Shoes and Handbags My descent into debt wasn’t about splurging on the latest fashion or trying to live a life splashed across Instagram. No,…
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7 Insights from Growing Up in a Low-Income Family

7 Insights from Growing Up in a Low-Income Family

My story isn't just about growing up poor but about the unique lessons that struggle taught me. Now in my 40s, I look back at my childhood with a sense of pride for the unexpected wisdom it gave me. Here are seven lessons that stand out: 1. Mastering the Art of Negotiation Negotiation was a survival skill I learned early on. It wasn't just about saving a few bucks at the store; it was about understanding people, what motivated them, and how to communicate effectively to achieve a mutual benefit. I remember accompanying my mom to garage sales, watching her…
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